Publicity Manager:
Natália Paal
Working together for a green competitive and inclusive Europe
Voda pre klímu – environmentálne technológie o.z. successfully applied for a grant from the EEHS program Norwegian grants in 2021 and received funding for the Save wetland together project.
Why together? Because we are convinced that only through the cooperation of various institutions and the general public is it possible to positively influence a global phenomenon, such as climate change, on the basis of local activities. Therefore, we have created a team from different areas of the company: Voda pre klímu – environmentálne technológie o.z. - third sector and the public, Štátna ochrana prírody SR (State Nature Protection of the Slovak Republic) - professional conservation organization, Základná škola s materskou školou Maximiliána Hella v Štiavnických Baniach (Elementary school with kindergarten) - organization for education and training of youth, Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave (University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava) - representatives of science and research, Norwegian University of Life Science from Norway - connection to the international level of the project.
Why Wetlands? Because our priority is water in nature and its healing effect on the natural and environmental environment. We are interested in water as a medium that is able to ensure cooling of the microclimate. It is a condition for increasing biodiversity. Wetlands are one of the main factors in these processes and are currently highly endangered by drying out, but also by human activity. Therefore, our goal is to stop the degradation of four specific localities with wetlands in the beautiful environment of the Kremnica and Štiavnica mountains, namely: Bartošova Lehôtka, Kopernica, Gajdošovo and Michálka. The total area of these wetlands is almost 197,000 m2.
The second main goal is enlightenment. We want to ensure that both professionals and the general public perceive the importance of wetlands in the fight against climate change and its effects, and that the young generation adopts a positive attitude towards these important ecosystems. We want to achieve this through educational processes, practical demonstrations of the school wetland in the school complex in Štiavnické Bane, the use of 3D landscape models with the Michálka wetland with implemented water retention measures and also a demonstration of the practical application of rainwater retention in Trnava.
If you want to know more about programmes and projects financed by the Norway Grants in Slovakia, visit
The Norway Grants represent Norway’s contribution towards a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.
Through the Norway Grants, Norway contributes to reducing social and economic disparities and to strengthening bilateral
relations with beneficiary countries in Central and Southern Europe and the Baltics.
Norway cooperates closely with the EU through the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA). Together with the other donors, Norway has
provided €3.3 billion through consecutive grant schemes between 1994 and 2014.
Norway Grants are financed solely by Norway and are available in the countries that joined the EU after 2003. For the period 2014-2021, the Norway
Grants amount to €1.25 billion.
The priorities for this period are:
All projects are co-financed by the State Budget of the Slovak Republic in the amount of 15%
Final Conference
On April 18 and 19, 2024, the final conference of the "Save Wetlands Together" project was held with the participation of representatives from all involved partners and the public. During the conference, the results achieved in the project were presented, and publications issued during the project's implementation were made available. A total of 52 participants attended the conference, and 12 presentations were delivered.Montessori Club
On April 3, 2024, a discussion took place in the Sunflower School Club - Montessori.Excursion in Norway 2
From January 29 to February 3, 2024, the second excursion of project team representatives took place in Norway. We visited wetland habitats beyond the Arctic Circle and presented our project to the school in Tana Bru. Additional photos are available for download at the following link: Link to additional photos.Excursion for the Public
On January 30, 2024, a joint excursion was organized for representatives of the public, students, and pupils from Trnava to the wetland areas in Banská Štiavnica and the M. Hella Elementary School.Trnava Market
The project partner UCM prepared a presentation on the "Save Wetlands Together" project and water retention measures at the traditional Trnava Market event on October 17, 2024.- Peter Lancaric
- Peter Lancaric
- Peter Lancaric
- Peter Lancaric
- Peter Lancaric
- Peter Lancaric
- Peter Lancaric
Representatives of the Ministry of Environment of Slovakia and Norway at the VPK Info Center
On October 17, a delegation of representatives from the Ministry of Environment of Slovakia and the Kingdom of Norway visited our info center in Trnava.Seminar on Joint Research Results Regarding Youth Behavior Toward Wetlands and Climate Change
On October 10 and 11, 2023, a seminar was held at M. Hella Elementary School with the participation of representatives from NMBU (Norway), TRUNI (Slovakia), and staff from M. Hella Elementary School. The seminar focused on the project theme: Research on Youth Behavior Toward Wetlands and Climate Change.Applied Natural Sciences - Conference September 19, 2023
As part of the international conference on applied natural sciences organized by the University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, we prepared a workshop consisting of several presentations about activities within the "Save Wetlands Together" project.Link for more information about the conference
Excursion to Beaver Dams - June 23, 2023
The excursion was an interactive nature adventure focused on educating participants about the importance of wetlands and their conservation.Experts in the field informed participants about aquatic habitats, and they had the opportunity to explore local fauna and flora.
This opportunity for the public highlighted the importance of environmental education and wetland conservation through direct contact with nature and practical demonstrations of natural phenomena.
Learning Trnava - June 23, 2023
At the "Learning Trnava" festival held on June 23, more than 45 educational organizations were represented, including the "Save Wetlands Together" project by OZ Voda pre Klímu. This event provided a platform for showcasing various educational activities and workshops, focusing on promoting lifelong learning and community development.Workshop for Schoolchildren - June 14, 2023
At the workshop, in addition to interesting information about wetland conservation, students had the opportunity to learn through practical demonstrations using an interactive model how different land management practices affect water functioning in the environment.Volunteer Brigades on Wetlands
All photos are available at the following link: All PhotosPresentation for the Residents of Bartošova Lehôtka - June 7, 2023
The meeting with the residents of the village focused on cooperation in saving rare wetlands in the Kremnica and Štiavnica mountain ranges, which are gradually drying up. Conservationists and the civic association "Water for Climate" are collaborating on a project funded by a Norwegian grant aimed at preserving five habitats. Discussions covered water retention measures and cooperation with the landowner, the Diocesan Office in Banská Bystrica, near the village of Bartošova Lehôtka, where part of the wetlands are located. The mayor of the village emphasized the importance of wetland conservation for the region.A report about the presentation was aired on RTVS news on June 11, 2023: Link to the report
Excursion for Representatives of the Public, Pupils, and Students from Trnava - May 31, 2023
A joint excursion for representatives of the public, pupils, and students from Trnava to the wetlands in Banská Štiavnica (Gajdošovo, Michálka) was organized. The excursion also included a visit to the Info Point at M. Hella Elementary School in Štiavnické Bane and a presentation of the "Save Wetlands Together" project, supported by the Norwegian Grants program. Purpose and Goals of the Presentation: To present the possibilities for implementing measures to mitigate the impacts of climate change to the public and youth from Trnava, familiarize participants with the "Save Wetlands Together" project and the Norwegian Grants program, and engage university students directly in the project as volunteers.Workshop with 3D Model - How Water Works in Nature and Lecture on the project "Save Wetlands Together
Jilemnický Elementary School, Dunajská Streda 10.05.2023
Purpose and Objective of the Presentation: Based on previous experience, we know that children of preschool and school age respond very positively to practical work with a 3D model of water retention measures. The aim of the activity is to foster a positive attitude towards environmental protection among children, generate children's interest in climate change solutions, familiarize the school's teaching staff and second-level students with the "Save the Wetlands Together" project and the Norwegian Grants program. (Funded by another project, the inviting organization.)
Workshop with 3D Model - How Water Works in Nature and Lecture on the project "Save Wetlands Together
Mother Alexia Elementary School, Palackého, Bratislava 9.05.2023
Purpose and Objective of the Presentation: The aim of the activity is to foster a positive attitude towards environmental protection among children, generate children's interest in climate change solutions, familiarize the school's teaching staff and second-level students with the "Save Wetlands Together" project and the Norwegian Grants program. (Funded by another project, the inviting organization.)
Workshop with a 3D model - How water works in nature and the project Save Wetlands Together - Modranka Elementary School, Trnava 28.4.2023
Purpose and objective of the presentation: Based on previous experiences, we know that children of preschool and school age react very positively to practical work with 3D models of water retention measures. The aim of the activity is to initiate a positive attitude of children towards environmental protection, to initiate children's interest in solutions to climate change, to familiarize teachers and students of the school with the project "Save Wetlands Together" and the Norwegian Grants program.Joint excursion of UCM and TRUNI students to the wetlands of BŠ, as well as volunteering to clean and maintain wetlands in the surrounding area of BŠ (Gajdošovo, Michálka). Additionally, a visit to the Information Center of M. Hell Secondary School in Štiavnické Bane and a presentation of the project "Save Wetlands Together" with the Norwegian Grants program 24.-28.04.2023
Purpose and objective of the presentation: To present to university students the possibilities of implementing measures to mitigate the impacts of climate change, to familiarize participants with the project "Save Wetlands Together" and the Norwegian Grants program. To involve university students directly in the project as volunteers.Workshop with a 3D model - How water works in nature and the project Save Wetlands Together - Participation in the event "Water, Our Wealth." 23.4.2022
Purpose and objective of the presentation: To present to the general public the possibilities of implementing measures to mitigate the impacts of climate change, to familiarize participants with the project "Save Wetlands Together" and the Norwegian Grants program.(Funded by another project, with the inviting organization. The activity was also presented in local media.)
Workshop with a 3D model - How water works in nature and the project Save Wetlands Together - UCM 21.4.2022
Purpose and objective of the presentation: To present to university students in Trnava the possibilities of implementing measures to mitigate the impacts of climate change, to familiarize participants with the project "Save Wetlands Together" and the Norwegian Grants program.(The activity was also presented in local media.)
Workshop with a 3D model - How water works in nature and the project Save Wetlands Together - Vančurova Elementary School Trnava 21.4.2022
Purpose and objective of the presentation: The aim of the activity is to initiate a positive attitude of children towards environmental protection, to initiate children's interest in solutions to climate change, to familiarize teachers and students of the school with the project "Save Wetlands Together" and the Norwegian Grants program.Workshop with a 3D model - How water works in nature and the project Save Wetlands Together - Trakovice Elementary School 23.3.2022
Purpose and objective of the presentation: The aim of the activity is to initiate a positive attitude of children towards environmental protection, to initiate children's interest in solutions to climate change, to familiarize teachers and students of the school with the project "Save Wetlands Together" and the Norwegian Grants program.20.2.2023
We are pleased to announce that the Call for Proposals for the contract "Removal of Successional Pioneer Trees (SND)" has been published in Bulletin 38/2023 under number 7699 - WNS.Presentation cycle - Climate change, disasters in history, Save Wetlands Together - Water for Climate Information Environmental Center 29.11.2022
Purpose and objective of the presentation: To present to university students in Trnava the possibilities of implementing measures to mitigate the impacts of climate change, to familiarize participants with the project "Save Wetlands Together" and the Norwegian Grants program.(The activity was also presented in local media.)
Workshop with a 3D model - How water works in nature and the project Save Wetlands Together - Ružindol Elementary School with Kindergarten 29.11.2022
Purpose and objective of the presentation: Based on previous experience, we know that both preschool and school-age children react positively to practical work with a 3D model of water retention measures. The aim of the activity is to initiate a positive attitude of children towards environmental protection, to initiate children's interest in solutions to climate change, to familiarize teachers and students of the school with the project "Save Wetlands Together" and the Norwegian Grants program.Presentation cycle - Climate change, disasters in history, Save Wetlands Together - Archive Trnava 10.11.2022
Purpose and objective of the presentation: To present to the general public the possibilities of implementing measures to mitigate the impacts of climate change, to familiarize participants with the project "Save Wetlands Together" and the Norwegian Grants program.(The activity was also presented in local media.)
Workshop with a 3D model - How water works in nature and the project Save Wetlands Together - St. Elizabeth's Church Kindergarten, Trnava, 9.11.2022
Purpose and objective of the presentation: Based on previous experience, we know that even preschool children react positively to practical work with a 3D model of water retention measures. The aim of the activity is to initiate a positive attitude of children towards environmental protection, to initiate children's interest in solutions to climate change, to familiarize teachers of the school with the project "Save Wetlands Together" and the Norwegian Grants program.Workshop with a 3D model - How water works in nature and the project Save wetland together - Secondary Vocational School of Horticulture, Piešťany, 8.11.2022
Purpose and objective of the presentation: To present to future professionals in the field of environmental design the possibilities of implementing measures to mitigate the impacts of climate change, to familiarize them with the project "Save wetland together" and the Norwegian Grants program.20.10.2022
We would like to announce that the Call for Tenders for the contract "Monitoring network" sent to the Gazette on October 19, 2022 was published in the Gazette 227/2022 under the number 44 394 - WNT.The public procurement for the contract "Monitoring network" was also published: in the public contracting authority's profile on the ÚVO website:
on the website of ŠOP SR: